Pirate Space Ships
In the book, "Y Not," She Meowed: The Skye is Falling Mystery, a pirate queen and her crew chase after Mariposa Spirit in their own...

Out Of This World Creatures
This is an Electric Blue Dragon nudibranch or Blue Angel? If anyone can clarify, please, send a message. They are absolutely stunning....

Robot Replacements
By Rob by S. Witt Robot Replacements allow a user to be elsewhere, such as relaxing in bed while their robot takes their place. You...

How good is a Border Collie's Nose?
In England, recently there was a three-year-old border collie named Sasha who was reported as being able to use her incredible sense of...

The "Rose" from "Y Not," She Meowed
The "Rose" is an advanced communication device, the great grandchild of the cell phone if you like, that is implanted into a person's...

TAIL Technology
TAIL Techology means Tentacle Advanced Intelligent Living Technology. The Nudibranch characters, or Ceratains as I have named them in "Y...

Shark Teeth
This is a photograph of Squalicorax shark teeth from the Eagle Ford Formation of the Cretaceous Period (c. 94 million years ago). The...

This is only one concept of a BED Fly or Black Energy Drone Fly(ies) that occupy my sci-fi universe. They vary tremendously from one to...

Blue Dragon Nudibranch
This is as the title says is a Blue Dragon nudibranch. I have them as the creators of Mariposa Spirit ship in my book. Lady Va is the...

Homage to My Sister
D.E. Poteet, my twin sister, painted a picture of my first Buddy-dog when I was in my twenties, which was probably in the late seventies...