The Seahorse
Ah, another strange creature from the depths of Earth oceans, the delicate seahorse. Quoted from Wikipedia: "Hippocampus" comes from the...

The Wolf
The wolf is noble beast. I have two characters, Maria and Lupe Lobas, who represent the Wolf from the pendant of Artemis. I love the...

A Consideration for Alien Life: The Jellyfish
This creature absolutely fascinates me. Could anything be more alien-like than the jellyfish? In some parts of the world, it has actually...

The Goddess Artemis
The Goddess Artemis is central to my story and to the pendant that bears her name. In my book, she is the protector of women, animals,...

The Dog
The Dog is represented by Buddy Beauceron. Beauceron is a large French dog. Buddy is a common name for most dogs. I myself have had two...

Amplifier Blaster
The Amplifier Blaster is not a gun even though to activate it you would pulled the trigger. It pulls in sounds that are undetectable by...

The Cat: Dele Mustache
Dele Mustache is all black with a white mustache. Her name and the absence of black on her mustache is the clue for the meaning of the...

The Pendant and its Meaning
The pendant of Artemis plays a significant role in my book as a means to an end. The predestined owner holds it and wishes anything she...

The Ships of the District of PAW
This is a partial picture of a shell I got from the internet. It looks like a breast to me. In "Y Not," She Meowed, I wrote that the...

Red Border Collies with Yellow Eyes
According to the bordercolliemusuem.org red and white Border Collies tend to have yellow or amber eyes. According to the...